Please read letters of Christian love – and please become a writer of such letters


Dearly Beloved is a network of loving people, attached in some way to St Clements Church Cambridge, some of whom write, and all of whom receive, short letters that might inspire, comfort or amuse. It started during lockdown as a means of mutual encouragement and of staying in touch. Writers and readers alike continue to value it highly; and the network continues to expand.

Our leading writer at the start was Rowan Williams; and he may continue from time to time. And Alex Hughes, the archdeacon of Cambridge, is a regular contributor. The other writers, who are mostly unknown, have found a talent they didn’t know they possessed.

Everyone receives a daily email. This contains a letter written by someone in the network. It also contains a photograph, usually by someone in the Dearly Beloved network. And it recommends some Bible readings for the day.

Please join

It is entirely free. And you can stop receiving it at any time, with your email address and any other records erased from the records.

Please join the Dearly Beloved network by sending an email, containing your name, toat the address be

And please encourage others to join. And especially encourage non-churchgoers; the letters give a wonderful insight into church life at its best.

Please write

Please write letters. Your thoughts and experiences possess great value to others. Just send letters to

Reading other people’s letters will give you an idea of what readers may appreciate. Here are some simple guidelines.

Please take photographs

Please take pictures of whatever catches your eye, and send them to


The archive of past letters is a treasure trove of wisdom and insight. These are chronological, with a search facility for author’s names